Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Zachary!
I can hardly believe that 6 years ago, I was rushing to the hospital, on the verge of having my baby boy.
So much has happened since that day, and he continues to make me proud every day!
Happy Birthday Baby Boy......
Monday, December 1, 2008
Conversations with Corbett
Mommy: Do you? Well can you tell me what a little dinosaur says?
Corbett: Little dinosaur says "ROAR!"
Mommy: Wow! And what does a BIG dinosaur say?
Now I know....
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pumpkin Party!
Gramma and Grampa Guenard joined us, as did Raedah and her kids, Emma and Cassy. We had a blast.
Afterwards, we all gathered at my house for dinner and pumpkin carving. Andy, Raedah's husband joined us and we had a blast.
Zachary picked an Optimus Prime design pumpkin, and he, Jordan and Grampa Peter set to work on it. They did a super job! This isn't the best picture of it, but you get the idea!

Corbett is on a Blue's Clues kick, so that is what he picked, and he and I carved that up like we were pros. I am amazed that with my holdinga knife, o one got injured, but everyone was safe!

I will try to post some better pictures of the pumpkins when I get them!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Rest In Peace
I am glad she is not suffering, but I am sad that she is gone.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
We will be staying at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel on Queen Street, not too far away from the Air Canada Centre
The hotel is expensive, but not for me because I booked through a website called Hotwire. YOu dont know what hotel you are going to have before you book it, but it does tell you how many stars the hotel is, what services and what area it is in. You also pay ahead of time. Basically, this gets you a drastically reduced price. The regular rate for the hotel is $399 a night, and I got it for $94! We stayed there for the Celine Dion concert and the beds are sooooooo comfy!
Wish me a safe trip! I will miss my boys, but am sure the concert will be AWESOME!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
20 Things I Have Learned
Here ya go Rosie!
1) Every morning when I wake up, I have a choice. I can choose to be happy or I can choose to be grumpy. The choice I make will determine the course of my day and how I deal with its individual challenges. Why on earth would I choose to be grumpy?
2) Just when you think you have met the dumbest person on the planet, you’ll meet his idiot cousin.
3) Somewhere in between “I wonder what would happen if I….” and its immediate consequence is where hindsight should factor in. Because it doesn’t we spend a lot of time saying “Crap, what was I thinking?”
4) If you want something done, ask a busy person
5) I am quite likely the luckiest person on earth.
6) Without my fabulous friends and family, I would be a lot less lucky.
7) No matter how many times you tell your child that it is not a good idea to (insert ridiculous idea here), they are going to do it anyway.
8) You CAN indeed get Sharpie Marker off a cream-coloured couch
9) Don’t keep a cream-coloured couch and a Sharpie Marker in the same house.
10) 4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions.
11) I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
12) People who have battled cancer deserve to be called Heroes.
13) We need a lot less Heroes.
14) A lot of problems can be solved on a 5km run
15) Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups
16) Everyone needs a friend who listens to them. Everyone needs to learn how to be that friend.
17) When my children get up each morning, they seem to be on a mission to see which one can maim the other in the fastest time. But if anyone else tries to hurt their brother, all hell breaks loose. That’s what being a brother is all about.
18) If you listen to or think about the song “Stayin Alive” while performing CPR, then you have the right rhythm. Apparently the song has 103 beats a minute, which is the right amount of compressions for CPR.
19) Rick Mercer should run for Prime Minister. Or at least teach the bozos we elect how to run the government. See if you agree.
20) I have a lot more left to learn
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Eight Years Ago....
Happy Anniversary, Jordan!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
CIBC Run for the Cure - 2008
First of all, I ran with my dear friend Tracy, who I convinced (bribed) to start running with me this summer when I taught a Learn to Run Class at the Running Room. After that class I signed up to teach the 5K Class and Tracy signed up to be my pupil once again. (She must be some kind of sadist!). This was our first chance to actually run together, and I truly enjoyed being the one to take her across the finish line. Even if she hates me forever for saying "Do you see the Finish Line? Good......SPRINT!" At that point she was already telling people I tortured her, so I figured I didn't have a lot to lose.
Most importantly however, I was running this 5 kilometers to honour a special woman. Linda is a breast cancer survior and those words alone mean she is entitled to forever be considered a Hero. I can not begin to imagine what it means to be diagnosed with, and then bravely fight such a disease. Linda is also my Mother-in-Law-my husband's mother.
It was my goal to raise $1000 for research this year. While I didn't quite make it, I did raise, (so far) $705. I say so far, because I have until October 31st to collect donations.
So, why do I run?
I run to stay healthy, reduce stress, eat chocolate, and show my kids that being active is fun. I run because in 30 minutes of running, I can solve problems that would take me over an hour if I was just sitting and thinking at home or work.
I run because after a horrible car accident, I wondered if I would walk normally again. I run because inexplicably, the simple feeling of my legs propelling me forward in a rhythmic motion is exhilirating and soothing at the same time
I run because I can.
But not on October 5th, 2008.
On October 5th, 2008, I ran because I truly believe that I can make a difference. To some $705 is not a lot of money. To others it is. To me, it simply means that I have helped bring us may never have to hold the hand of a friend while they, their mother, their child, their daughter goes through Breast Cancer.
I am not an emotional person by nature. But as I waited anxiously at the opening ceremonies for the race to being. I saw young children no older than Zachary and Corbett wearing race bibs, saying they were running for their Mom. I saw a young woman wearing one that said "myself". I say bibs that said "I Love You Grandma". Another that said "My Dad". Yes, her Dad. Did you know that Breast Cancer affects men too.
It is nearly impossible to not be overwhelmed with emotion.
Today as I ran I was thinking not only of my Mother-in-Law, but also of a friend of mine who is currently undergoing a Breast Cancer scare. The Biopsy is soon. I hope, I pray, that I will not have to add her name to my race bib next year. One name is more than enough.
My Mother-in-Law is a Hero alright. I run so that no one else ever has to be one.
Thank you for helping me reach my goal, whether it was through a donation, or simply wishing me a good run.
And Tracy, thank you for doing it with me. As always, you rock!

Sprinting to the Finish Line for time of 32 minutes 14 seconds. Tracy is just behind me out of the picture, but she was giving it her everything!

Tracy, with a look on her face that says "Runner's High" ALLLLLL over it. Congrats Tracy, you should be very very proud of your 32 minutes 15 second finish.

This one says it all. I love you Linda!
By the way, if you want to help me reach that $1000 goal, please visit my donation page by clicking here!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sleep well my babies!

These pics were taken of them in their "new" rooms. We moved Zachary into the 2nd biggest room formerly the toy room), but Corbett in Zachary's old room and put the toy room in Corbett's old room. This give's both boys more room to move in.
Because we're brothers.
Zachary: Because we're brothers Mom!
Corbett: No we aren't
Zachary: Yes we are Corbett. I am your brother!
Corbett: Nu-uh! I am YOUR brother!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Craig Mine Family Day
The weather was questionable, threatening rain most of the day, but luckily we only got a little bit of it. They had some displays of the various mining trucks used underground, a jumbo drill simulator, lots of kid friendly activities, and underground tours (only if you were 8 years or older).
My Mom and I went for one of the underground tours. I have to say the tour itself wasn't really all that exciting, but it was neat to go in and see Jordan's "office".

Zachary "driving" a truck just like Daddy's. I literally could not fit the whole truck in the picture, but trust me its HUGE!

Grampa Peter, Daddy, Corbett, Zachary, Mommy, and Gramma Margaret.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The First Day of School
Zachary was super excited to go to Premiere Annee (First Grade). He says he had a good time and that he enjoyed his class. His teacher's name is Mme Babin and she told them to be quiet in class and then they coloured. I am sure that he has missed telling me a whole bunch of stuff other then be quiet in class and colour, but that's a 5 , almost 6 year old for you!
Corbett got really sad when Zachary got on the bus and he couldn't go with him. Poor Corbett is used to travelling in the morning with Zack since their daycare and daycamp were close together. I think he was a little shocked that he wasn't riding the bus too!
I took Corbett to his daycare and droppped him off in the preschool room. When I picked him up this afternoon, he had just finished peeing on the potty and was still wearing the same underwear I put on him in the morning! He did have an accident later this evening, but I am not going to complain about that!
Here are some pics of the day!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Zachary got in the dentist's chair and did a great job, opening wide and patiently letting the dentist polish his teeth. He didn't like the taste of the polish, but was otherwise fine. The dentist said that Zachary and his parents were doing a fine job keeping the pearly whites clean. He also said the top two teeth will probably become loose and fall out soon. Corbett didn't have an appointment, but said cheerfully "My turn now?", so the dentist had Corbett open wide and checked him out. Corbett was thrilled and so was I, because his teeth look great too!
The Optometrist
Again, my children are perfect. Their eyesight is great and they were very charming.
All in all, a good day!
Monday, September 1, 2008
One more day....
Corbett will be moving out of the Toddler room into the Junior room at daycare and conveniently enough, his favorite educator is moving with him!
Corbett insisted on getting a backpack as well when we went shoping for Zachary, so we are going to use that opportunity to re-introduce potty training. He can use his snazzy Diego backpack to carry his extra clothing and underwear in!
Tomorrow morning Zachary is going to the dentist for a checkup and to show off his grown up teeth, and then both Zachary and Corbett have eye appointments. Cross your fingers that they are both patient and that all is well. I have no reason to think there are any issues, but it never hurts to cross your fingers!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
So much fun!
There is also a huge arcade, 18-hole minigolf, a kid club area for crafts, a spa, a kids spa, and two restaurants.
The kids have had an absolute blast and I am sad we have to leave tomorrow. Zachary and I have been mastering the techniques of getting down the water slide faster, and Corbett and Jordan love standing under the bucket when it dumps. It drops 1, 000 gallons of water every 5 minutes!

Our totally cool room, the Wolf's Den, with a separate kids area!

Hanging with the bear in the Bear Paw Cafe. This place is a sweet lover's paradise!

Not the greatest picture, but it shows you a small part of the waterpark area! This is just the play structure part!

Waiting for story time at the big clock in the front entrance! This happens every night at 8pm and is a lot of fun!
I hope to have more pictures later, but in all honesty we are all having way too much fun to be taking pictures!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Mini-vacation, here we come!
Zachary keeps trying to get me to tell him the details, but I haven't given in yet. Mischa is safely taken care of at Paula's Canine Country Club, where she gets to run around playing with other dogs all day as they have an open access from their kennel to huge fenced in area.
I will try to post some pictures of our trip as we go along, but no promises!
Wish us a safe travel and we will see you all when we get back!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Big fat lip.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
One more gone!
Here is a picture of the two-less teeth wonder kid!
Yes, the tooth fairy came, and no, she didn't leave anywhere near as much as she did last time!
Corbett continues to grow like a weed and is an incredibly funny kid. By all reports, he is quite advanced in his communication skills, which is usually good, but not as much fun when he is using them to express an opinion that is not conducive to some task we are asking him to do! Most of the time though, he is a fun loving kid!
He is not easy to take pictures of as he is in that stage where as soon as he sees a camera, he scrunches up hs face and ruins the picture, but I got a few the other day of him dancing in my friend's driveway!

Monday, July 28, 2008
Another one!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Tooth Fairy Lives On!
The skeptic was proven wrong!
Here is his letter from the Tooth Fairy.
Dear Zachary,
Congratulations on losing your first tooth! What an exciting time for any child. I am so happy that you put your tooth under your pillow for me. Now I can make sure that another little baby gets on of his or her teeth!
Losing your first tooth is a pretty big deal, and you sure had a lot of people around to see it happen! How exciting! Not many kids get such a big cheer.
I have left you $5.00 for your first tooth. Now please remember this is only for the first tooth. Your nest teeth won't get you quite as much money. Your mom tells me you have done a good job saving for the things you want, even saving half the money for your Wii. Way to go!
Congratulations again, Zachary!
Tooth Fairy!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Look Mom!
That's what Zachary told me when I picked him up from YMCA Day Camp today! I checked it out, and sure enough, one very loose tooth. At first I was very excited, but then I realized that with Zachary planning a trip to Manitoulin Island to visit his Aunt Leanna this weekend there was a distinct possibility that I would not be around for the momentous occasion of "losing the first tooth". I have to admit that I got a little panicky about that.
It's funny. I dealt okay with Zachary's first day at day care when he was 9 months old. I dealt fine with his first sleepover. Even the first day of school was no biggie. But I really want to be there for my very first baby losing his very first tooth!
We talked about the Tooth Fairy, but Zachary remains skeptical.
Me: You put your tooth under your pillow and when you are sleeping, the Tooth Fairy comes and takes your tooth and leaves a surprise!
Zachary: I think maybe not, Mom. I think that you are teasing me.
Then we made our way to the Running Room for the 20 Minute Challenge, where Zachary proudly showed a few of the staff his loose tooth (Thanks everyone for making him feel so special).
With Zachary and Corbett strapped in the stroller, we went for our run. As soon as we got back, Zachary jumped out of the stroller and asked if he could go into the store to get a free toothpaste sample (irony is always at work in my life).
Suddenly, as he was speaking, I realized that there was a hole where is very loose tooth once had been!
Me: Zachary! Your tooth is gone!
Zachary: (with a mixture of joy and terror) What!?! Gone?
Random Spectator: Oh Oh! Maybe he swallowed it!
At this point Zachay gets a little panicky.
Me: Don't worry, bud. Even if we can't find the tooth, the Fairy still comes, I promise. Yay, dude! You lost your first tooth. (Big Bear Hug for my big boy!)
At this point about 35 people who had been participating in the 20 Minute Challenge all start to cheer and clap. What better way to lose your first tooth? How many kids get to feel like a rock star when that happens?
I will admit to getting a little teary here. Those who know me, know this doesn't happen often!
After rummaging around the stroller a bit, we found the teeny tiny tooth. We quickly brought it into the store so that we could tuck it safely away in an envelope, where even more people cheered for the man of the hour. Store Manager Reed even took a picture! I have to remember to get a copy of that.
On the way home we stopped to see Grandma Margaret and Grampa Peter, who had just returned home from their vacation to show off the missing tooth!

Check it out!

A proud boy and his proud Grandma!
Once again, thanks to everyone who made my son feel so special about losing his first tooth!
For the record, he is still skeptical about the Tooth Fairy, but has put the tooth safely in an envelope, under his pillow. I promise by tomorrow morning he will be a believer!

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Berry Berry Good
I am not quite sure what to do with all those strawberries yet, but so far we have had a strawberry rhubarb pie, I made some freezer jam, and we each had a bowl of strawberries with sugar on top. I still have about 12-14 cups of berries left!

Zachary, Emma, Cassie, Raedah, and Corbett picking Strawberries!

Daddy and Corbett pause for a picture!

Zachary and Emma showing off their hard work!
And after that, the kids all got inked. They've been bugging us for tattoos, and we finally gave in!

Okay, seriously. Canadian Red Dragon, the tattoo shop where Jordan and I got our tattoos done was having an anniversary BBQ this afternoon so we stopped by to say hi. All proceeds from the event went to the Sudbury Food Bank. I always try to support the Food Bank, so I was happy to go! They were giving temporary tattoos to the kids. For the record, they had pretty butterflies, and kid-friendly tattoos. All four kids picked snakes. Corbett and Zachary were upset to hear that the tattoos wouldn't last forever, like Daddy and Mommy's. I am in SOOOO much trouble with those two!
Have a great week everyone!
Monday, July 7, 2008
RIP Pumpkin...
Understandably my friend and her young kids are crushed, so whether you pray, meditate, or just send positive thoughts, please do so for them tonight. They have had a rough couple of months and this doesn't make it any better.
RIP Pumpkin, I am glad that you got to have some great days with your family. They sure loved you.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Karate Kid!

Zachary started Karate lessons today. His group of 4 nad 5 year olds are called "Tigers" At the end they all practiced standing like "Tiger" statues, before they bowed to finish class. Zachary actually won for standing still the longest. Anyone who really really knows Zachary can attest to what kind of feat that is. Even when he is sitting he is moving.
Just wanted to post this for his Gramma and Grampa who are in California visiting my brother.
Speaking of being in California, this is what Zachary said to me this morning...
"Mommy, do you remember my Grampa and Gramma? Margaret and Peter?"
"Yes Zachary, of course I remember them"
"They are in California. Are they coming back?"
Too cute.
Canada Day Celebrations
Jordan was on graveyard shifts so the kids and I called up some friends and we all headed over to Science North for the Canada Celebrations. There were 3 adults (Michael, Raedah and myself) and 5 kids (Zachary, Corbett, Emma, Cassie and Aiden)Aidne's sister Abigail was sick so she couldn't come. The kids had a blast, and there were lots of activities for them to do. They saw a turtle, a snake, got to ride a pony, play on some of those massive air inflated bouncers and slides. Elmo, Dora, Diego and Bob The Builder all made appearances. We ate hotdogs for lunch and enjoyed some nice weather.
Actually, I found that there wasn't as many activities to fill the day as I thought there might be, but kids are so amazing in that they can find the fun in anything. Fun is definitely contagious.
We didn't stick around for the fireworks as they start pretty late, but opted instead to go have a barbeque at Michael and Tracy's house, so we could get a chance to see Abby since she was feeling better. All in all, a great way to spend a middle of the week holiday!
Enjoy the pics. Especially the last two!
Zachary on his horse! Corbett was definitely NOT interested in the pony rides. "I'm to smalllll" he said.
Big slide! It was really cool. All the kids, except Corbett who was too busy chasing Elmo, took a turn!
There was a fire truck there and the kids were allowed to get on and check it out. It was pretty cool.
They had firemen there too. Helloooo fireman!
Corbett is telling the fireman in the back of the truck what sound a fire truck makes. It's "wee-ooo, wee-oooo" if you weren't too sure. He then followed that up by dispensing a disgustingly large puddle of drool on the fireman's boots.
A brother shot. I don't get many of these, so I figured I should use it to prove they can get along for at least 5 seconds.
Corbett and Emma. All tuckered out after a long day.
But wait until you see what a little rest can do....
"Look mommy! I am art!"
I am SO happy that was washable marker, and not Sharpie marker, which is his all time favorite.
Happy Birthday Canada....
Monday, June 30, 2008
My bathroom is DONE.....well almost...

What a relief! The mold is gone, the funky smell is gone. Its gorgeous! Come on in!

This is my bathtub/shower with our fancy shower assembly. We can have either shower head runing by itself, or both together. I can't WAIT to use it. But we have to wait until the grout is all set. Hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. The tub is extra deep too, which is soooo awesome!

The sink and vanity.

The cupboard above the toilet!
I even have heated floors. I didn't take a picture of that. It looks exactly the same as the tile on the floor!