Saturday, January 7, 2012

Thank you. Thank you very much!

If you haven't read the previous post yet, you may want to do that. 

January 8th came and Corbett was still nestled safely in my womb with no plans on exiting. (For the record, he still operates on his own schedule.)

We headed to the midwifery office for noon, and she checked me out.  I was about 1cm dilated as I had been for a few days.  She did a stretch and sweep - (gee THAT'S fun)- and about 10 minutes later, I felt a couple mild contractions.

Feeling that we could probably get labour started we planned to head over to the hospital,  so we could try to induce labour, without drugs.  She let me know, that if a body is ready to go into labour, that a breast pump can induce labour.  How frickin' cool is THAT!?

We called my best friend Micheline, who had agreed to assist again, and let her know we'd call her once things got started.

After a much calmer drive to the hospital, I was admitted, and the great big double breast pump was brought forth.  It was scary, but it worked. By 1:30 contractions started slowly, but with strength.  Jordan and I walked.  Jordan and I talked. Jordan and I ate.  We joked that Corbett would likely share a birthday with Elvis Presley.  I declined to give him Elvis as a middle name. It was weird. It was much more relaxed than my labour with Zachary.

In fact, it was so relaxed, that when Jordan heard the Air Ambulance preparing to take off, he grabbed the camera and went charging down the hallway to get pictures of it out the window. I was in the middle of a very strong contraction. Stand back ladies, he's ALL mine.

Micheline arrived, and at this point contractions were pretty regular and intense.  I could never really find a comfortable position, because Corbett wouldn't stay still.  Although he was head down, he kept spinning around like a break dancer.  He was face up, face down, face sideways.  He did this the whole way through delivery.  In hindsight, this should have told us about our new baby's character.

Finally, I allowed them to break my water.  It had been offered to me twice as a way to speed things along, but I had declined.  Since my car accident in 1991, I have experienced a lot of necessary medical intervention, so I quite stubbornly tend to avoid it when its not necessary.

So my water was broken and soon I had to push.  There were no difficulties.  I tell people that an easy delivery was due to me after that pregnancy.  I know that it was just luck of the draw.

On January 8th, 2006, at 6:54pm , after just over 5 hours of labour, Corbett Peter Valiquette was born weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces. He had very little hair, and what was there was so fine and fair it was barely visible. It was nine days after his due date. 

Yes, Zachary and Corbett were born on each other's due date.

Despite my persistent fears that my illness and all the drugs I had taken for it would harm him in some way, he was absolutely perfect.  I had been so afraid that I wouldn't love him or bond with him.  That even though he was so very wanted, that I would resent him for all the illness.

He took my breath away.  I cried tears of relief, because the pregnancy was over.  My baby was here, and we were both okay.

I knew then that all the trouble the pregnancy had caused me had been worth it.  It didn't make it any easier, but it made it worthwhile. 

Today Corbett is still full of spunk.  He's a firecracker.  His name means Raven. Jordan, Zachary and I all have dark, almost raven coloured hair. Corbett has curly, sandy coloured hair.  Its gorgeous. Everyone loves it and he knows it.  In fact, he has said "Ladies love me because I have curly hair".

And its true.  That curly hair helps him get away with a lot of mischief!

But more importantly, Corbett, everyone loves you. They love you because you are caring, energetic and funny.  You love to be with people, are quick with a smile (usually a mischevious one), and always giving hugs. Eternally optimistic and smart as can be , you just don't understand why things don't always go your way. You absolutely adore your big brother. Your wit and charm are unmistakeable, and I couldn't be prouder to call you my son.  I have no doubt that you will attain your 5th birthday wish for "FOURTEEN GIRLFRIENDS"

I just hope you wait.



                                                              Photo by PhotoCaptiva

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