Today I ran 5 kilometers. That statement is not surprising in and of itself. Usually when I go for a run, I do a 5 kilometer circuit. Today's run was special for two reasons.
First of all, I ran with my dear friend Tracy, who I convinced (bribed) to start running with me this summer when I taught a Learn to Run Class at the Running Room. After that class I signed up to teach the 5K Class and Tracy signed up to be my pupil once again. (She must be some kind of sadist!). This was our first chance to actually run together, and I truly enjoyed being the one to take her across the finish line. Even if she hates me forever for saying "Do you see the Finish Line? Good......SPRINT!" At that point she was already telling people I tortured her, so I figured I didn't have a lot to lose.
Most importantly however, I was running this 5 kilometers to honour a special woman. Linda is a breast cancer survior and those words alone mean she is entitled to forever be considered a Hero. I can not begin to imagine what it means to be diagnosed with, and then bravely fight such a disease. Linda is also my Mother-in-Law-my husband's mother.
It was my goal to raise $1000 for research this year. While I didn't quite make it, I did raise, (so far) $705. I say so far, because I have until October 31st to collect donations.
So, why do I run?
I run to stay healthy, reduce stress, eat chocolate, and show my kids that being active is fun. I run because in 30 minutes of running, I can solve problems that would take me over an hour if I was just sitting and thinking at home or work.
I run because after a horrible car accident, I wondered if I would walk normally again. I run because inexplicably, the simple feeling of my legs propelling me forward in a rhythmic motion is exhilirating and soothing at the same time
I run because I can.
But not on October 5th, 2008.
On October 5th, 2008, I ran because I truly believe that I can make a difference. To some $705 is not a lot of money. To others it is. To me, it simply means that I have helped bring us may never have to hold the hand of a friend while they, their mother, their child, their daughter goes through Breast Cancer.
I am not an emotional person by nature. But as I waited anxiously at the opening ceremonies for the race to being. I saw young children no older than Zachary and Corbett wearing race bibs, saying they were running for their Mom. I saw a young woman wearing one that said "myself". I say bibs that said "I Love You Grandma". Another that said "My Dad". Yes, her Dad. Did you know that Breast Cancer affects men too.
It is nearly impossible to not be overwhelmed with emotion.
Today as I ran I was thinking not only of my Mother-in-Law, but also of a friend of mine who is currently undergoing a Breast Cancer scare. The Biopsy is soon. I hope, I
pray, that I will not have to add her name to my race bib next year. One name is more than enough.
My Mother-in-Law is a Hero alright. I run so that no one else ever has to be one.
Thank you for helping me reach my goal, whether it was through a donation, or simply wishing me a good run.
And Tracy, thank you for doing it with me. As always, you rock!

Sprinting to the Finish Line for time of 32 minutes 14 seconds. Tracy is just behind me out of the picture, but she was giving it her everything!

Tracy, with a look on her face that says "Runner's High" ALLLLLL over it. Congrats Tracy, you should be very very proud of your 32 minutes 15 second finish.

This one says it all. I love you Linda!
By the way, if you want to help me reach that $1000 goal, please visit my donation page by clicking