The sheer logisitics of getting to T-Ball practice at 5:30 with Zachary and all his gear, as well as with Corbett who is potty training, and his potty, were a little hectic as I had to leave the practice early so I could go teach my run clinic. Jordan was at work, so that left me in a predicament.
Grandma and Grandpa to the rescue!
My Mom and Dad met us at the field to take over so that I could leave and that the kids were being supervised while Jordan made his way there. My Dad forgot his camera, so these pictures were taken with his cell phone!

At the end of the evening, the Reactine Man showed up with his truck ( I am completely serious ). I wasn't there, but the kids got to sit in the truck for a picture. I have to scan those in, so as soon as I do, I will post them. Man! I miss all the fun!
1 comment:
Aww, he looks so cute! I really wish I had signed Cooper up for T-ball. I'm kicking myself in the ass for putting it off too long. What team is he playing on?
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