The kids and I went to see it this weekend.
Go see it. It's awesome.
Corbett LOVED it.
Monday, June 30, 2008
My bathroom is DONE.....well almost...

What a relief! The mold is gone, the funky smell is gone. Its gorgeous! Come on in!

This is my bathtub/shower with our fancy shower assembly. We can have either shower head runing by itself, or both together. I can't WAIT to use it. But we have to wait until the grout is all set. Hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. The tub is extra deep too, which is soooo awesome!

The sink and vanity.

The cupboard above the toilet!
I even have heated floors. I didn't take a picture of that. It looks exactly the same as the tile on the floor!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
House Renos
The contractors started our bathroom renovation yesterday. We had a bit of a short notice on their starting (45 minutes!), but I sort of suspected they would be coming so that was no biggie. Yesterday, they managed to gut the whole bathroom. Yay! No more mold!
Here are some pics of my itty bitty bathroom with just a bathtub in it. By the end of the day, that was gone too. Many thanks to all our neighbours who are letting us use their bathrooms and showers as we need to!

Here are some pics of my itty bitty bathroom with just a bathtub in it. By the end of the day, that was gone too. Many thanks to all our neighbours who are letting us use their bathrooms and showers as we need to!

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Kung Fu Panda!
We took the kids to see the movie Kung Fu Panda today. It was a pretty good movie with a lot of humour in it.
Zachary really enjoyed it, but Corbett was pretty tired and fell asleep about 2/3 of the way into it.
If you get a chance, go see it!
The boys went swimming in our pool today. Actually they went skinny dipping. Don't worry, I won't post pictures! Corbett is definitely going to be a pool rat!
Zachary really enjoyed it, but Corbett was pretty tired and fell asleep about 2/3 of the way into it.
If you get a chance, go see it!
The boys went swimming in our pool today. Actually they went skinny dipping. Don't worry, I won't post pictures! Corbett is definitely going to be a pool rat!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Yesterday, Zachary's school had to undergo lockdown procedures. They have practices for this, so all the kids know what to do. I always wondered if it was really necessary.
Apparently it was.
The school sent home a letter telling the parents about the lockdown and saying that the police had initiated it due to an investigation taking place in the area.
Well, a friend of mine was trying to pick her daughter up for an early dismissal, and according to what she saw, this was no investigation. Unless Police have taken to blocking off entire streets, wearing full protective gear and surrounding buildings while heavily armed during an "investigation". But hey, I have been wrong before.
I want to trust that our Police Service felt it was a situation that needed to be dealt with right away, and couldn't wait until school was over. I really do. But my kid was in a building that was near all this "investigating".
Don't get me wrong, I am happy that the school is looking after our children's safety, but it just makes me sad that our kids have to practice procedures for this. Very sad indeed.
Apparently it was.
The school sent home a letter telling the parents about the lockdown and saying that the police had initiated it due to an investigation taking place in the area.
Well, a friend of mine was trying to pick her daughter up for an early dismissal, and according to what she saw, this was no investigation. Unless Police have taken to blocking off entire streets, wearing full protective gear and surrounding buildings while heavily armed during an "investigation". But hey, I have been wrong before.
I want to trust that our Police Service felt it was a situation that needed to be dealt with right away, and couldn't wait until school was over. I really do. But my kid was in a building that was near all this "investigating".
Don't get me wrong, I am happy that the school is looking after our children's safety, but it just makes me sad that our kids have to practice procedures for this. Very sad indeed.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Summer is Here!
We had a wicked thunderstorm last night. The kids didn't mind but it scared be bejeebers out of the dog. Thankfully it cleared up quickly - today was beautiful. Very fortunate, since it was Vada's birthday party. Vada is the daughter of a very close friend of mine. I am not going to post any pics from the party that any other kids are in because I haven't asked their parents, but here is one of Corbett completely enjoyig the sand and water table. Vada's party was a Princess and Pirate party, so Corbett is wearing a black bandana. Just in case you were wondering.

Really. Don't you think he should get one of his own?
Zachary played camera shy most of the party so I don't have any to post of him. Maybe tomorrow!
Really. Don't you think he should get one of his own?
Zachary played camera shy most of the party so I don't have any to post of him. Maybe tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My Morning Routine
Earlier this year, during the winter, someone asked me about my morning routine. I said I didn't really have one. But after thinking about it for awhile, I realized that I do, so I emailed it to them. So here was what I told them my morning routine was, on a typical day when Jordan is working day shift.
My morning routine
I wake up, I turn on the weather channel. I whine about winter, the cold and refuse to get out of bed.
The dog farts.
I get out of bed
I wake the kids. (If they havent already woken me to start the weather channel routine)
I tell zachary to get dressed, he yells at me. I tell him again and threaten to not cook his waffle if he doesnt get dressed. He tells me I am a meanie and I tell him I agree.
Corbett stands at his bedroom door, knocking and saying "He-looooo? I am awake? Want cereal. In a bowl. With milk.!"
I get Corbett and go downstairs with him, lock him in his high chair and let the farting dog out.
I tell Zachary to get dressed-again- and threaten to give his raw waffle to the dog, but that I will cook it for her, because she is dressed. He tells me that she is always dressed. I tell him too bad. He gets dressed.
Corbett get his Cereal. In a bowl. With milk. He drinks the milk out of the bowl, empties the cereal on the table and throws half on the floor, while I let the dog in. The dog eats the cereal. Corbett yells "MY CEREAL". The dog and I look at Corbett like he is deranged.
I let Corbett out and the dog licks his pants clean, while Corbett eats the dog food.
Zachary comes down, usually dressed. I give him his waffle, usually cooked.
I change, wash and dress Corbett. The dog takes off with the diaper, I get the diaper back.
Zachary finishes his breakfast, puts his stuff away and whines about having to wear his winter clothes.
Zachary brushes his teeth while Corbett hits him repeatedly.
The dog farts. I let the dog outside, because where there is smoke, there is fire my friends.
I get the kids ready to go. I put Zachary on the bus. The other parents look at me funny.
I remember that maybe I too, should get dressed. Good thing I wear pyjamas, it's cold outside. Looks like it's raw waffles for me.
I start the van in my pyjamas and slippers. I go get changed, brush my teeth, and hope for the best concerning my hair.
I remember that Corbett is standing in the entrance in his snow suit.
I let the dog in. I put Corbett in the van, and drive to Tim Horton's while whining about winter.
I drop him at daycare, then go to work, while whining about the weather. To myself.
And THAT....
is my morning routine.
My morning routine
I wake up, I turn on the weather channel. I whine about winter, the cold and refuse to get out of bed.
The dog farts.
I get out of bed
I wake the kids. (If they havent already woken me to start the weather channel routine)
I tell zachary to get dressed, he yells at me. I tell him again and threaten to not cook his waffle if he doesnt get dressed. He tells me I am a meanie and I tell him I agree.
Corbett stands at his bedroom door, knocking and saying "He-looooo? I am awake? Want cereal. In a bowl. With milk.!"
I get Corbett and go downstairs with him, lock him in his high chair and let the farting dog out.
I tell Zachary to get dressed-again- and threaten to give his raw waffle to the dog, but that I will cook it for her, because she is dressed. He tells me that she is always dressed. I tell him too bad. He gets dressed.
Corbett get his Cereal. In a bowl. With milk. He drinks the milk out of the bowl, empties the cereal on the table and throws half on the floor, while I let the dog in. The dog eats the cereal. Corbett yells "MY CEREAL". The dog and I look at Corbett like he is deranged.
I let Corbett out and the dog licks his pants clean, while Corbett eats the dog food.
Zachary comes down, usually dressed. I give him his waffle, usually cooked.
I change, wash and dress Corbett. The dog takes off with the diaper, I get the diaper back.
Zachary finishes his breakfast, puts his stuff away and whines about having to wear his winter clothes.
Zachary brushes his teeth while Corbett hits him repeatedly.
The dog farts. I let the dog outside, because where there is smoke, there is fire my friends.
I get the kids ready to go. I put Zachary on the bus. The other parents look at me funny.
I remember that maybe I too, should get dressed. Good thing I wear pyjamas, it's cold outside. Looks like it's raw waffles for me.
I start the van in my pyjamas and slippers. I go get changed, brush my teeth, and hope for the best concerning my hair.
I remember that Corbett is standing in the entrance in his snow suit.
I let the dog in. I put Corbett in the van, and drive to Tim Horton's while whining about winter.
I drop him at daycare, then go to work, while whining about the weather. To myself.
And THAT....
is my morning routine.
T-Ball here we come!
Monday night was Zachary's first night of T-Ball. Rain came and went, but thankfully it was sunny during practice, for the most part anyway.
The sheer logisitics of getting to T-Ball practice at 5:30 with Zachary and all his gear, as well as with Corbett who is potty training, and his potty, were a little hectic as I had to leave the practice early so I could go teach my run clinic. Jordan was at work, so that left me in a predicament.
Grandma and Grandpa to the rescue!
My Mom and Dad met us at the field to take over so that I could leave and that the kids were being supervised while Jordan made his way there. My Dad forgot his camera, so these pictures were taken with his cell phone!

At the end of the evening, the Reactine Man showed up with his truck ( I am completely serious ). I wasn't there, but the kids got to sit in the truck for a picture. I have to scan those in, so as soon as I do, I will post them. Man! I miss all the fun!
The sheer logisitics of getting to T-Ball practice at 5:30 with Zachary and all his gear, as well as with Corbett who is potty training, and his potty, were a little hectic as I had to leave the practice early so I could go teach my run clinic. Jordan was at work, so that left me in a predicament.
Grandma and Grandpa to the rescue!
My Mom and Dad met us at the field to take over so that I could leave and that the kids were being supervised while Jordan made his way there. My Dad forgot his camera, so these pictures were taken with his cell phone!

At the end of the evening, the Reactine Man showed up with his truck ( I am completely serious ). I wasn't there, but the kids got to sit in the truck for a picture. I have to scan those in, so as soon as I do, I will post them. Man! I miss all the fun!
Monday, June 2, 2008
More Pictures
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Enjoying Nature
Well, we finally got a some nice weather. The weather has been a little wonky this year and this week we went from a high of 24 degrees celcius on Monday (after a cold and rainy weekend) to a low of -5 on Tuesday morning. It stayed cold the remainder of the week, but the sun came out today!
Jordan was working so the kids and I were on our own. They slept in--which means we woke up at 7am--and I let them crawl in bed with me to watch some Treehouse TV. This bought me another half hour of being lazy and then we got out of bed so I could make them pancakes!
After cleaning up from breakfast, we packed up and headed out to Moonlight Beach. There is a beautiful trail system there and I thought it might be nice for the kids and I to take Mischa for a walk.
The kids had a blast playing around and checking out "all the beautiful nature", as Zachary calls it. Zachary took along the camera that his Grandma and Grandpa Guenard bought him and seemed very focused on taking pictures of signs. (Yes Isaac, the Tesla song ran through my mind the whole time)
Not bad for a 5 year old! I think he shows some promise. It was nice to get out of the house and I know the kids enjoyed not being cooped up all day.
I got the chance to take some nice pictures of the kids as well, something I don't do nearly as often as I should. I can't believe how quickly they grow!
After we returned home the kids and the dog ran around the backyard and tired themselves out nicely. It was a great way to spend the day.
As I write this, I am sitting in the backyard on my beautiful swing, watching Jordan and the kids assemble the play structure we got. We are working on having the most entertaining backyard this summer. At least I knonw as my kids get older that our yard will be the cool place to hang out!
So how did you spend your weekend?
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