Jordan is working at Home Depot, on the overnight freight shift. It is obviously not ideal and the pay is significantly less than his job at XStrata, but he is happy to be doing something, and so am I!
On Tuesday, March 17th, I received an award at am Awards Gala, recognizing and honouring local women entrepreneurs and leaders. I received the Exceptional Woman award. What an honour! It was great to have Jordan, my parents, and a few friends there as well.
Take a close look, you might have to enlarge the picture. Can you spot the error on my certificate? LOL. Don't worry, they printed me a new one, but boy did we get a good laugh out of that!
Also that night, I had nominated a good friend of mine, and she won the Business Leadership Award! Congratulations Josee! Well deserved!
Josee and I together!
On Thursday, my Mom and I joined a bus trip to Toronto to visit the 2009 Canada Blooms festival. While I feel that the festival I went to a few years ago was better, there was still some incredible displays and beautiful landscaping so the trip was well worth it.
This Tuesday, I had my godkids, Aiden and Abby over while their Mom did some tutoring at night (Dad was out of town). Her birthday was the next day so we made her a cake. I don't know how good it tasted, but we had fun. I haven't asked permission to put up pics of her kids, so I will only show you a picture of the end product!
Can you tell this cake was decorated by a bunch of 3-6 year olds?
It was made completely from scratch though! The kids LOVED turning on my KitchenAid Mixer.
Zachary is doing well in karate and is enjoying school. He seems to have no shortage of friends, which makes us happy. He is a great kid, but often a little shy.
Corbett, despite the fact that he frequently has a tantrum when we say it is time to get dressed and leave the house, has developed a new game of dressing up to go "To Great Wolf Lodge". Today his fashion sense was decidedly ecclectic!
You see, there are reasons you don't let a 3 year old dress themselves!
I will have to post a picture of Zachary in another post. Blogger won't let me upload anymore for some reason!
I hope you enjoyed all the recent pictures. Now let's all cheer on Spring!
1 comment:
My kids f-love GWLodge.
We're heading there in a few weeks...shhh, we haven't told them yet!
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