And I am not talking about the TV Show.
I am talking about real life heroes. And wow, did I ever see a lot of them this weekend.
This weekend, Jordan and I sent the kids off to hang out with Aunt Leanna on Manitoulin Island for the weekend because we were travelling to Ottawa to participate in the 5km Race of the 2nd Annual Army Run.
Early on in the summer I had mentioned to Jordan that I really wanted to participate in an official race, as opposed to the 5km fun runs I have always done. In an official race, you wear a timing chip on your shoe to clock an official time and there are a LOT more people.
It came down to the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Race or the Army Run in Ottawa. I decided to do the Army Run because I think it is incredibly important that we support our troops. I am not pro-war, but I am definitely pro-troops. These soldiers do things that I would definitely not have the courage to do. That is not necessarily why they are heroes though.
The Army Run raises funds for a program called Soldier On. Its purpose is to assist injured soldiers with their unique and individual needs.
Both the 5km race and the Half-Marathon also had an injured soldiers component. 15 minutes prior to the start of each of those races, injured soldiers started their own race.
Wow. Just Wow.
We all have bad days,and many of us in these difficult economic times have a significant amount of stress, but it is events like these that put it into perspective.
Check this out.
These gentlemen are missing one of both of their legs. And they still participated. The weren't fast, but they were smiling. They were happy to be there. They are focused on what they have, not what they don't.
A pretty powerful lesson don't you think?
It is humbling to be running what would end up being my best race ever, and pass these men and women who aren't doing it for a best time, but are doing it simply because they can. Because other people may have thought the couldn't.
I passed a gentleman who had moved off to the side and was readjusting his prosthetic. No more will I be frustrated if I have to stop to retie my shoelace. Or be grumpy because my feet hurt. So trivial.
There were so many inspirational stories, some that made headlines, some that didn't. No matter, they are all heroes in my eyes.
I encourage you to take part in this event next year. You don't have to run, you can walk it too!
We all need a little inspiration in life. There was no shortage in Ottawa this weekend.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I am so excited!
Those who have known me for any length of time know that I am a flautist. It is something that I have always enjoyed and the added bonus is that I have a natural talent for it.
Putting aside life changing events such as childbirth, playing in a full concert band or ensemble is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. To hear how multiple parts played by multiple instruments can turn a piece of music into something that evokes feeling is one thing, but to participate in creating that sound is entirely another.
I have truly missed it. Then at the 2008 Staff Christmas party for the Running Room fate stepped in!
You see, Frank is one of my co-workers (if you need running shoes, go see Frank...he's the man, seriously). Frank's wife Sally was the music teacher/band conductor at Lockerby Secondary School until retiring a couple of years ago. Sally is now the Concert Band Leader for the recently developed Laurentian University Concert Band.
I was all set to audition, then it turned out that their rehearsal night was not an open time for me. I was crushed, but determined to clear my schedule for the Fall so that I could audition.
Last night was my audition and I have to tell you I was nervous. REALLY nervous.
I hadn't had a lot of time to practice and tend to be self-critical about these things.
But not to be deterred, I went determined to do my best. Thankfully, Sally was very impressed and I am now a member of the Laurentian University Concert Band!
I am so excited!
Putting aside life changing events such as childbirth, playing in a full concert band or ensemble is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. To hear how multiple parts played by multiple instruments can turn a piece of music into something that evokes feeling is one thing, but to participate in creating that sound is entirely another.
I have truly missed it. Then at the 2008 Staff Christmas party for the Running Room fate stepped in!
You see, Frank is one of my co-workers (if you need running shoes, go see Frank...he's the man, seriously). Frank's wife Sally was the music teacher/band conductor at Lockerby Secondary School until retiring a couple of years ago. Sally is now the Concert Band Leader for the recently developed Laurentian University Concert Band.
I was all set to audition, then it turned out that their rehearsal night was not an open time for me. I was crushed, but determined to clear my schedule for the Fall so that I could audition.
Last night was my audition and I have to tell you I was nervous. REALLY nervous.
I hadn't had a lot of time to practice and tend to be self-critical about these things.
But not to be deterred, I went determined to do my best. Thankfully, Sally was very impressed and I am now a member of the Laurentian University Concert Band!
I am so excited!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Grade 2
Tomorrow Zachary will head off for his first day of Grade Two!
It seems so odd. It is cliche, but was it really that long ago I held Zachary as a newborn baby in my arms? He was so little. He never really had that baby look, instead he looked like a miniature man. He wasn't born with blue eyes like most babies, they were green. They have since turned to hazel, but when he is really excited you can see the green so brilliantly.
How he has grown since then!
He is funny, charming and polite; a very opinionated little boy who likes things to go according to plan. He has an overpowering need to know what is going to happen next, and gets frustrated when it doesn't happen the way he was told it would.
He loves to make people laugh and is a fan of Ben 10, Bakugan, Transformers and his little brother, to name a few!
He likes to read bedtime stories to Corbett, and to play games on the computer.
He is caring and considerate, always eager to cheer someone up who is having a bad day.
He is a great kid, and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for him!
Grade Two! Really? Where has the time gone?

It seems so odd. It is cliche, but was it really that long ago I held Zachary as a newborn baby in my arms? He was so little. He never really had that baby look, instead he looked like a miniature man. He wasn't born with blue eyes like most babies, they were green. They have since turned to hazel, but when he is really excited you can see the green so brilliantly.
How he has grown since then!
He is funny, charming and polite; a very opinionated little boy who likes things to go according to plan. He has an overpowering need to know what is going to happen next, and gets frustrated when it doesn't happen the way he was told it would.
He loves to make people laugh and is a fan of Ben 10, Bakugan, Transformers and his little brother, to name a few!
He likes to read bedtime stories to Corbett, and to play games on the computer.
He is caring and considerate, always eager to cheer someone up who is having a bad day.
He is a great kid, and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for him!
Grade Two! Really? Where has the time gone?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
One of those days...
was one of "those" days
the kind
where everything they do
grates on you somehow
even if they are doing it "right"
if they are doing it "wrong"
it wasn't their fault
it was mine
my problem
me forgetting
how lucky i am
to have them
for just a moment
that hundreds of thousands
of people in this world
wish their challenges
were as few and small as mine
i was grouchy
in pain
trying so hard
to not be cranky
wanting instead to yell
at the top of my lungs
for everyone to just be quiet
the irony of that
not lost on me at all
but at the same time,
craving the quiet
wanting their laughter
their beautiful, joyous laughter
to lift to the heavens
and kiss the ears
of angels
another blessing
on beautiful day
someone said that
motherhood is the hardest
job of all
but i disagree
anyone can be a mother
being a good one
is the hard part
a new day
a clean slate
tomorrow i will do better
was one of "those" days
the kind
where everything they do
grates on you somehow
even if they are doing it "right"
if they are doing it "wrong"
it wasn't their fault
it was mine
my problem
me forgetting
how lucky i am
to have them
for just a moment
that hundreds of thousands
of people in this world
wish their challenges
were as few and small as mine
i was grouchy
in pain
trying so hard
to not be cranky
wanting instead to yell
at the top of my lungs
for everyone to just be quiet
the irony of that
not lost on me at all
but at the same time,
craving the quiet
wanting their laughter
their beautiful, joyous laughter
to lift to the heavens
and kiss the ears
of angels
another blessing
on beautiful day
someone said that
motherhood is the hardest
job of all
but i disagree
anyone can be a mother
being a good one
is the hard part
a new day
a clean slate
tomorrow i will do better
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Its Good to be Back
So this past weekend I ran 5km in a race here in Sudbury. It was the first time I have run 5km since sustaining an injury in February of this year, so I went into the race with a few nerves and a lot of caution. I was so excited to be running again!
The best part of this race though, was that two of my students from the Learn To Run class that I taught were also running it. This was a big accomplishment for them. The class, over 10 weeks, takes you from not being a runner at all, to gradually increasing your running time to 20 minutes with a 1 minute walk break after 10 minutes. The average first time runner usually runs their first race between 35 to 40 minutes, so this was going to be a stretch for them.
Both the runners came in with excellent times of 31:07 and 31:48. My intent was to follow them the entire race and finish after or alongside of them. I really wanted them to not be "chasing" me the whole time. They did a great job and I was very proud of them.
My race did not go as well as I had hoped. I made some mistakes, which means I learned a few lessons. In my opinion the fact that I can take away a few "lessons learned" makes it a successful run. After all, if you never have a bad run, how can you truly appreciate the good ones? One factor out of my control was that it was HOT! We haven't had many hot days, so the bulk of my training since coming back to running has been in some pretty cool, and rainy conditions. What was in my control is how I handled the weather; I didn't do this part very well at all.
1) I really shouldn't wear a full hat when running, especially in the heat we experienced Sunday. By the 9am start time, temperatures were about 25 degrees with a high level of humidity. I have a very thick head of hair and I overheated quickly. Even though the hat is designed for runners, it was a big detriment to me. In retrospect, I should have just taken the hat off and thrown it somewhere, but hats are expensive! Next time: Either wear a visor, or no hat at all.
2) Wearing all black was stupid;I don't care how moisture wicking the fabric is, black clothing and hot sun together are a bad mix. I knew better. Now I REALLY know better. Next time: Light-coloured clothing. Its there for a reason.
3) Somewhere around the 2 km mark, I was struggling pretty badly from being overheated so I briskly walked for about .5 km, in an attempt to catch my breath. This was a smart thing to do, I caught my breath and carried on to have a bit easier of a time. Next time: Try not to get to this point, but if you gotta walk, go ahead and walk. Its better than not doing either!
4) The water station. Ah yes, a fine display of Jessica's inherent and well-documented lack of co-ordination. I was so excited to see that water station. I even had a plan; take the water from the first person, throw it back like a shooter. Then I was going to grab water from the second person and thrown it over my head to cool me off. Instead, this is what happened.
I grabbed the water from the first person, and threw the entire cup, contents and all over my shoulder, missing my mouth entirely, splashing just a few drops on myself, as I heard the cup hit the sidewalk.
Yep. I am just that graceful! Next time I will slow down at the water station, no matter how badly I want to make up time!
My goal was to finish the race in under 32 minutes, which I felt was reasonable considering that I have not done any of my own training other than teaching the class. I did not make that goal, but I came close with a time of 32:36. Considering I walked about .5km to .75km, and the problems I had regulating my temperature and breathing--not to mention the humorous water station incident--I can accept that time as a good return to a sport that I enjoy.
I am now focused on running for myself, and working towards my goal for the Army Run being held in Ottawa on September 20th. I will not print my goal just yet. I have to do a few training runs to see if it is reasonable and attainable, but once I decide, I will post my goal time here! Someone has to hold me accountable!
Most importantly though....Congratulations to Phil and Wendy. You guys kicked my butt! Well done!

Here is a picture of me rounding the corner from Bancroft to Bellevue, just over 1km into the race! This picture was shamelessly taken from the Sudbury ROCKS! website. Make sure to click on that link to check out their site. They are amazing supporters of running and other related events in the Sudbury Area, which is greatly needed!
You can see full race results here and more pictures here
Happy Running!
The best part of this race though, was that two of my students from the Learn To Run class that I taught were also running it. This was a big accomplishment for them. The class, over 10 weeks, takes you from not being a runner at all, to gradually increasing your running time to 20 minutes with a 1 minute walk break after 10 minutes. The average first time runner usually runs their first race between 35 to 40 minutes, so this was going to be a stretch for them.
Both the runners came in with excellent times of 31:07 and 31:48. My intent was to follow them the entire race and finish after or alongside of them. I really wanted them to not be "chasing" me the whole time. They did a great job and I was very proud of them.
My race did not go as well as I had hoped. I made some mistakes, which means I learned a few lessons. In my opinion the fact that I can take away a few "lessons learned" makes it a successful run. After all, if you never have a bad run, how can you truly appreciate the good ones? One factor out of my control was that it was HOT! We haven't had many hot days, so the bulk of my training since coming back to running has been in some pretty cool, and rainy conditions. What was in my control is how I handled the weather; I didn't do this part very well at all.
1) I really shouldn't wear a full hat when running, especially in the heat we experienced Sunday. By the 9am start time, temperatures were about 25 degrees with a high level of humidity. I have a very thick head of hair and I overheated quickly. Even though the hat is designed for runners, it was a big detriment to me. In retrospect, I should have just taken the hat off and thrown it somewhere, but hats are expensive! Next time: Either wear a visor, or no hat at all.
2) Wearing all black was stupid;I don't care how moisture wicking the fabric is, black clothing and hot sun together are a bad mix. I knew better. Now I REALLY know better. Next time: Light-coloured clothing. Its there for a reason.
3) Somewhere around the 2 km mark, I was struggling pretty badly from being overheated so I briskly walked for about .5 km, in an attempt to catch my breath. This was a smart thing to do, I caught my breath and carried on to have a bit easier of a time. Next time: Try not to get to this point, but if you gotta walk, go ahead and walk. Its better than not doing either!
4) The water station. Ah yes, a fine display of Jessica's inherent and well-documented lack of co-ordination. I was so excited to see that water station. I even had a plan; take the water from the first person, throw it back like a shooter. Then I was going to grab water from the second person and thrown it over my head to cool me off. Instead, this is what happened.
I grabbed the water from the first person, and threw the entire cup, contents and all over my shoulder, missing my mouth entirely, splashing just a few drops on myself, as I heard the cup hit the sidewalk.
Yep. I am just that graceful! Next time I will slow down at the water station, no matter how badly I want to make up time!
My goal was to finish the race in under 32 minutes, which I felt was reasonable considering that I have not done any of my own training other than teaching the class. I did not make that goal, but I came close with a time of 32:36. Considering I walked about .5km to .75km, and the problems I had regulating my temperature and breathing--not to mention the humorous water station incident--I can accept that time as a good return to a sport that I enjoy.
I am now focused on running for myself, and working towards my goal for the Army Run being held in Ottawa on September 20th. I will not print my goal just yet. I have to do a few training runs to see if it is reasonable and attainable, but once I decide, I will post my goal time here! Someone has to hold me accountable!
Most importantly though....Congratulations to Phil and Wendy. You guys kicked my butt! Well done!

Here is a picture of me rounding the corner from Bancroft to Bellevue, just over 1km into the race! This picture was shamelessly taken from the Sudbury ROCKS! website. Make sure to click on that link to check out their site. They are amazing supporters of running and other related events in the Sudbury Area, which is greatly needed!
You can see full race results here and more pictures here
Happy Running!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A rainy rainy summer.....
Wow, is it ever raining a lot! I refuse to complain too much because at least it isn't snow!
I was lucky enough to get a weekend off, so we packed up the kids, sent Mischa to the "doggy hotel", and drove on over to Manitoulin Island. The parents of my great friend Tracy, have a beautiful home on Lake Kagawong and once a year all the friends gather there for a weekend. Unfortunately we have missed the past couple of years because of Jordan's work schedule, so it was great to be able to go.
It rained a fair amount, but that didn't ruin our plans.
The kids had a blast, we ate an enormous amount of food, played some cards, went for a canoe ride (after Tracy fell in the lake fully clothed).
I can't wait until next year!

T and A playing soccer!

If you were there, you know why this was so funny!

Corbett found his potty outside and decided it was time to use it. I thought this looked exactly like one of those weird garden statues!

Miss A blowin' bubbles!

Corbett touching a real, live fish. I am not sure he knew what to make of it!

Zachary came to join us for a day, even though he was having a great time Aunt Leanna's

E lost her stuffed puppy the first night. After a crazy rain storm early Saturday morning, the puppy was finally found, outside, nestled in a hosta in the garden. This is what puppy looked like after he got dried off a little!

Michael giving me "the look"

Tuckered out after a long, busy weekend.
I was lucky enough to get a weekend off, so we packed up the kids, sent Mischa to the "doggy hotel", and drove on over to Manitoulin Island. The parents of my great friend Tracy, have a beautiful home on Lake Kagawong and once a year all the friends gather there for a weekend. Unfortunately we have missed the past couple of years because of Jordan's work schedule, so it was great to be able to go.
It rained a fair amount, but that didn't ruin our plans.
The kids had a blast, we ate an enormous amount of food, played some cards, went for a canoe ride (after Tracy fell in the lake fully clothed).
I can't wait until next year!
T and A playing soccer!
If you were there, you know why this was so funny!
Corbett found his potty outside and decided it was time to use it. I thought this looked exactly like one of those weird garden statues!
Miss A blowin' bubbles!
Corbett touching a real, live fish. I am not sure he knew what to make of it!
Zachary came to join us for a day, even though he was having a great time Aunt Leanna's
E lost her stuffed puppy the first night. After a crazy rain storm early Saturday morning, the puppy was finally found, outside, nestled in a hosta in the garden. This is what puppy looked like after he got dried off a little!
Michael giving me "the look"
Tuckered out after a long, busy weekend.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
No more school, no more books....
We have reached the end of the school year! Phew....
Zachary did well at school and we saw a lot of improvement in the areas he struggled early in the year.
At the year end awards ceremony, he received an award for perfect attendance! He was so proud, especially since he was the only student to achieve that this year.
We were extremely proud, especially after all the health difficulties Zachary experienced in the last school year! Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures, because we weren't told he was getting an award, so we never brought a camera!
Corbett's potty training is thankfully, coming along a lot better than it was.
On Canada Day, we headed over in the evening to participate in the 1km kids race at the Walden Firecracker Run. Both Corbett and Zachary ran 1km and even got a medal at the finish line. Corbett was so proud he wore it to daycare the next day and Zachary got to go show his at karate class. My parents came by to get some pictures which we really appreciated because we ran with the kids!

Running together. I got such a thrill out of running with Zachary, kids have endless energy!

Almost at the finish line. I think Zachary loved hearing all the cheers and clapping as we approached.

After we were done, we went back to get Corbett. Once Corbett and Daddy rounded the corner and Corbett saw us, he took off fast to meet us. Very cute!

Showing off the hardware!
Finally, on July 5th we saw some good friends of ours off on an adventure. Cynthia, Marc and their two children are off to live in Australia for a year! Their son and Zachary are very good friends who have known each other since they were born, so Zachary misses his buddy, as do we. Jordan left the house on his motorcycle to see them off on their early, 6am flight.
Bye guys! Have fun,...we miss you already!
Zachary did well at school and we saw a lot of improvement in the areas he struggled early in the year.
At the year end awards ceremony, he received an award for perfect attendance! He was so proud, especially since he was the only student to achieve that this year.
We were extremely proud, especially after all the health difficulties Zachary experienced in the last school year! Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures, because we weren't told he was getting an award, so we never brought a camera!
Corbett's potty training is thankfully, coming along a lot better than it was.
On Canada Day, we headed over in the evening to participate in the 1km kids race at the Walden Firecracker Run. Both Corbett and Zachary ran 1km and even got a medal at the finish line. Corbett was so proud he wore it to daycare the next day and Zachary got to go show his at karate class. My parents came by to get some pictures which we really appreciated because we ran with the kids!

Running together. I got such a thrill out of running with Zachary, kids have endless energy!

Almost at the finish line. I think Zachary loved hearing all the cheers and clapping as we approached.

After we were done, we went back to get Corbett. Once Corbett and Daddy rounded the corner and Corbett saw us, he took off fast to meet us. Very cute!

Showing off the hardware!
Finally, on July 5th we saw some good friends of ours off on an adventure. Cynthia, Marc and their two children are off to live in Australia for a year! Their son and Zachary are very good friends who have known each other since they were born, so Zachary misses his buddy, as do we. Jordan left the house on his motorcycle to see them off on their early, 6am flight.
Bye guys! Have fun,...we miss you already!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
P-P-P-Poker Face
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Why silent auctions are evil.
So when Jordan's employer is removing floor samples or has stock that can not be sold anymore, they allow the employees to bid on it at a silent auction.
For reasons I have yet to understand, that Jordan doesn't understand, heck that NO ONE seems to understand, Jordan decided to bid on doorknobs. 21 door knobs. 21 unmatching doorknobs. I dont even have 21 doors. I do however now have 22 doorknobs. For the last couple of days, I have been calling Jordan #22.
Now, I admit wholeheartedly the fact that they are very nice, good quality doorknobs. I even admit that he got a great deal. But the fact remains that I do not NEED these doorknobs.
On the surface, some might even say "Well, lots of women buy several pairs of black shoes/pants/skirts". This may be true, however I submit that at least these women likely WEAR their several pairs of shoes/pants/skirts.
This is the kind of thing that could spark an intense battle between a husband and wife. So what did I do when Jordan told me that he had successfully bid on 21 doorknobs?
I blinked. I blinked. I blinked again. Then I turned away and went to work. I would be mad at him if I could just stop laughing. I keep thinking this is like a Seinfeld episode. Can't you just picture Kramer coming home with 21 doorknobs? I evne said to him later that afternoon after he called to tell me that he had picked them up, "Dont let the fact that I am laughing at you betray the fact that I am actually upset with you"
Jordan has placed them for sale on facebook. So go take a look if you are interested. He bought a rug too. It is a very nive, high quality, so soft under your feet rug. But it just doesnt match my decor. Sigh.
At least I get to keep the windchimes. I am serious. He wont on a shopping spree.
So if you see a tall man stading on the street, saying "psst...wanna by a doorknob?" Don't panic, he is obviously crazy, but completely harmless.
For reasons I have yet to understand, that Jordan doesn't understand, heck that NO ONE seems to understand, Jordan decided to bid on doorknobs. 21 door knobs. 21 unmatching doorknobs. I dont even have 21 doors. I do however now have 22 doorknobs. For the last couple of days, I have been calling Jordan #22.
Now, I admit wholeheartedly the fact that they are very nice, good quality doorknobs. I even admit that he got a great deal. But the fact remains that I do not NEED these doorknobs.
On the surface, some might even say "Well, lots of women buy several pairs of black shoes/pants/skirts". This may be true, however I submit that at least these women likely WEAR their several pairs of shoes/pants/skirts.
This is the kind of thing that could spark an intense battle between a husband and wife. So what did I do when Jordan told me that he had successfully bid on 21 doorknobs?
I blinked. I blinked. I blinked again. Then I turned away and went to work. I would be mad at him if I could just stop laughing. I keep thinking this is like a Seinfeld episode. Can't you just picture Kramer coming home with 21 doorknobs? I evne said to him later that afternoon after he called to tell me that he had picked them up, "Dont let the fact that I am laughing at you betray the fact that I am actually upset with you"
Jordan has placed them for sale on facebook. So go take a look if you are interested. He bought a rug too. It is a very nive, high quality, so soft under your feet rug. But it just doesnt match my decor. Sigh.
At least I get to keep the windchimes. I am serious. He wont on a shopping spree.
So if you see a tall man stading on the street, saying "psst...wanna by a doorknob?" Don't panic, he is obviously crazy, but completely harmless.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wacky Hair, Being Crafty, Kickin Butt and a Swimming Sunday
It has been one crazy week!
(I say that a lot don't I?)
On Tuesday, Zachary's school celebrated "Wacky Hair Day!" We were happy that Zachary could actually participate this year. Usually by this time of year, he has asked to shave his head, so there isn't much we can do that is wacky!
Zachary was blessed with the same thick, coarse, can't decide if it is curly, straight or wavy hair that I have, so using an unspeakable amount of hair product, I was able to fashion Zachary his very own faux-hawk!

Zachary liked it so much that he wanted to wear his hair the same way the next day, but I had to say no. I don't even like doing my own hair!
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I began working at Job #3, the Running Room. I have worked there on and off for the last year, but will be on the schedule much more regularly now. It takes away from some of the time I get to spend with the kids, but will hopefully help us weather this layoff a little better.
My dear friend Tracy came over Friday night. Jordan was on night shift, so we took the opportunity to watch a movie together while eating massive amounts of salty food. We watched Mamma Mia!. It was very enjoyable, and Meryl Streep is fabulous!
The kids and I spent some time at Science North on Saturday so that Daddy could get a little bit of sleep, then after the kids went to bed, Jordan helped me make some posters to help cheer on some friends that were running a marathon on the Sunday. I knew Jordan was the guy to help me. He is so much better than that than me!

Sunday was an extremely busy day. Zachary had belt testing for karate in the morning at 9am, and my friends marathon started at 8am, so we left the house shortly after 8am to hang up 2 of the 3 signs we had made (the 3rd was for right at the finish line). Then we went to Zachary's belt testing. We are so proud of him. He has worked very hard and is quite proud of his new belt.

Zachary right before his testing.

Showing off one of his blocks!

Bowing to Sensai Dave

The proud boy with his belt!
After that, we headed back home so I could drop Jordan off. He had the lovely task of taking off the back of the dryer and searching the cause of "the smell". He didn't believe me when I screeched that I saw a mouse in the dryer 2 weeks ago. Well, the 2 dead mice in the dryer are my proof. Ugh!
Meanwhile the kids and I tried to find my marathon running friends. The first drive of the course we didn't see them, but after stopping to get mouse hunter, I mean Jordan, we found them on the second round. We beeped and cheered, got ahead of them, stopped and got out and cheered then raced ahead to the finish line. Josee did a fantastic job! I am so proud of her!
Here is a picture of my friend Josee and her husband Drew crossing the finish line after 4 hours and 9 minutes!! Way to go Josee! Her husband ran it with her and I know that she was thrilled to do that with him. Drew is an experienced marathon runner and has even completed an Ironman Triathlon! He usually runs a marathon a good hour faster than this one, so it was extremely kind of him to run with her as moral support.

After that, we headed to a swimming birthday party at the YMCA for a friend of Zachary and Corbett's. Both boys love to swim, especially Corbett, who has yet to learn a healthy respect of the water. He jumps in with reckless abandon and doesn't much care if you are ready to catch him. He will swim his way back to the surface and then turn and head back to jump again. I always have my hands close by, but rarely actually catch him. What the heck, he is having fun!

Zachary is becoming quite a good swimmer and has moved up to a swimming level that involves 45 minute classes in the "big pool". It is nice to know that I only have to "keep an eye out" for him and he can just putter around the pool doing his own thing!

After a crazy day like that it was nice to head to my parents house for dinner! I am not sure I had the energy to cook after a day like that!
So there you have it. A week in the life of Jessica, Jordan and the increasingly amazing Zachary and Corbett!
(I say that a lot don't I?)
On Tuesday, Zachary's school celebrated "Wacky Hair Day!" We were happy that Zachary could actually participate this year. Usually by this time of year, he has asked to shave his head, so there isn't much we can do that is wacky!
Zachary was blessed with the same thick, coarse, can't decide if it is curly, straight or wavy hair that I have, so using an unspeakable amount of hair product, I was able to fashion Zachary his very own faux-hawk!
Zachary liked it so much that he wanted to wear his hair the same way the next day, but I had to say no. I don't even like doing my own hair!
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I began working at Job #3, the Running Room. I have worked there on and off for the last year, but will be on the schedule much more regularly now. It takes away from some of the time I get to spend with the kids, but will hopefully help us weather this layoff a little better.
My dear friend Tracy came over Friday night. Jordan was on night shift, so we took the opportunity to watch a movie together while eating massive amounts of salty food. We watched Mamma Mia!. It was very enjoyable, and Meryl Streep is fabulous!
The kids and I spent some time at Science North on Saturday so that Daddy could get a little bit of sleep, then after the kids went to bed, Jordan helped me make some posters to help cheer on some friends that were running a marathon on the Sunday. I knew Jordan was the guy to help me. He is so much better than that than me!
Sunday was an extremely busy day. Zachary had belt testing for karate in the morning at 9am, and my friends marathon started at 8am, so we left the house shortly after 8am to hang up 2 of the 3 signs we had made (the 3rd was for right at the finish line). Then we went to Zachary's belt testing. We are so proud of him. He has worked very hard and is quite proud of his new belt.
Zachary right before his testing.
Showing off one of his blocks!
Bowing to Sensai Dave
The proud boy with his belt!
After that, we headed back home so I could drop Jordan off. He had the lovely task of taking off the back of the dryer and searching the cause of "the smell". He didn't believe me when I screeched that I saw a mouse in the dryer 2 weeks ago. Well, the 2 dead mice in the dryer are my proof. Ugh!
Meanwhile the kids and I tried to find my marathon running friends. The first drive of the course we didn't see them, but after stopping to get mouse hunter, I mean Jordan, we found them on the second round. We beeped and cheered, got ahead of them, stopped and got out and cheered then raced ahead to the finish line. Josee did a fantastic job! I am so proud of her!
Here is a picture of my friend Josee and her husband Drew crossing the finish line after 4 hours and 9 minutes!! Way to go Josee! Her husband ran it with her and I know that she was thrilled to do that with him. Drew is an experienced marathon runner and has even completed an Ironman Triathlon! He usually runs a marathon a good hour faster than this one, so it was extremely kind of him to run with her as moral support.
After that, we headed to a swimming birthday party at the YMCA for a friend of Zachary and Corbett's. Both boys love to swim, especially Corbett, who has yet to learn a healthy respect of the water. He jumps in with reckless abandon and doesn't much care if you are ready to catch him. He will swim his way back to the surface and then turn and head back to jump again. I always have my hands close by, but rarely actually catch him. What the heck, he is having fun!
Zachary is becoming quite a good swimmer and has moved up to a swimming level that involves 45 minute classes in the "big pool". It is nice to know that I only have to "keep an eye out" for him and he can just putter around the pool doing his own thing!
After a crazy day like that it was nice to head to my parents house for dinner! I am not sure I had the energy to cook after a day like that!
So there you have it. A week in the life of Jessica, Jordan and the increasingly amazing Zachary and Corbett!
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