Each year, XStrata, Jordan's employer has a Family Day for their employees. It was held this past Sunday, so along with Gramma and Grampa Peter, we packed up and headed out to the Onaping Community Centre.
The weather was questionable, threatening rain most of the day, but luckily we only got a little bit of it. They had some displays of the various mining trucks used underground, a jumbo drill simulator, lots of kid friendly activities, and underground tours (only if you were 8 years or older).
My Mom and I went for one of the underground tours. I have to say the tour itself wasn't really all that exciting, but it was neat to go in and see Jordan's "office".

Zachary "driving" a truck just like Daddy's. I literally could not fit the whole truck in the picture, but trust me its HUGE!

Grampa Peter, Daddy, Corbett, Zachary, Mommy, and Gramma Margaret.

This shot and the next should give you a little idea of the size of the truck.......

Great big truck.....itty bitty children!

Jordan showing Gramma Margaret how to work the controls

Safety First! Always Buckle up!

Corbett and Zachary standing with a forklift.