One kid would be Simon, and would call out instructions, but you only follow those instructions if they say "Simon says" first. If they didn't say "Simon says" and you followed the instructions, you were "OUT".
Well, it turns out, even as an adult I'm still playing the game. Only now its Sharon Says.
If you haven't ever acquainted yourself with Sharon DeVellis, (aka Speed Skating Mom, aka @SharonDV), then you should do that. Follow her on twitter. Check her out at
Not NOW, I'm talking to you. Pay attention to me. Go see Sharon later.
Last spring, Sharon sent out a call on twitter for people to join in on the Warrior Dash. Now, I was already thinking of doing it, but needed a buddy. I like to do things with buddies. It makes me happier when I can share the experience.
My friend Sherry asked me about it one day and before she could finish saying "Warrior Dash" I was like "LETS DOOO IT!". (The look on Sherry's face was "Oh SHIT, what have I DONE?")
So I tweeted Sharon and told her we were coming. Despite several attempts, Sharon and I kept passing each other, but then, by sheer fluke, I saw her leaping across the fire pits. I actually got to meet someone from Twitter. Which was wicked. And awesome. Wickedly Awesome. There is a picture of us together somewhere. I cant find it though, so instead, I present you with a picture of me leaping over fire.
I am so BADASS!
Anyway, Sharon is all about going outside of your comfort zone, embracing your fears, and showing them who's boss.
I really admire that about her. I'm a lot like that, too. Except I am not about to embrace the fear of snakes. Those f$%&ers can stay the hell away from me. But, I digress.
Sharon says she hates running. But she runs. Its good cross training for her speed skating.
When Sharon sent out a tweet earlier this year, asking who was joining her for a 10K run in Mississauga, I am pretty sure she didn't actually think that I would sign up. I mean, its not like I live that close. But here's my not-so-secret secret. While Sharon is all about being outside of your comfort zone, I am all about the crazy. If its a crazy idea, or if it has a gimmick, I AM ALL IN.
So was it crazy to drive all the way to Mississauga from Sudbury to participate in a 10k race? Yep. Was I in? Oh. Hells. Yah.
Here we are, myself @karmasdogma, my friend Denise (I told you I like bringing buddies along), and Sharon. (My Mom was there too, but she is taking the picture).
Anyway, all this long-windedness is to say that Sharon is all about trying new experiences. Even if they scare the crap out of you.
I look at it this way. If my kids see me tackling things that make me nervous, then they will emulate that behaviour too. And really, that's a win-win situation.
So, I am going to try karate. You know, a sport where people want to punch and kick me. For fun.
Beacause I am all about the crazy. And because Sharon Says.